Nobel Women’s Initiative takes on sexual violence

The Nobel Women’s Initiative, which is exactly what you think it is, is taking up the cause of ending sexual violence in war.  Tall order, I know, but if you want to eavesdrop on them — or better yet, participate in their conversation — you can follow a live blog here (started at 10 am EST), or the live-tweet here, with the optimistically imperative hashtag #endrapeinwar.  (Thanks to the indefatigable Jaclyn Friedman for running all that!)

Last year, the group focused on Burma, and their public sessions — and people’s trial of the Burmese regime — was eye-opening.  I met some amazing women doing impressive, dangerous work.  I haven’t followed this conversation at all, but I expect it’s probably on par.

Here’s who’s talking right now:

Wangu Kanja – Wangu Kanja Foundation, Kenya
Shereen Essof – Just Associates Southern Africa, South Africa
Parvin Najafgholi – Iranian Women Cultural Center and One Million Signatures campaign, Iran
Patricia Ardon – Sinergia N’oj, Guatemala

A quick note that this isn’t an endorsement of the discussion, the group/s involved, or the ‘action agenda’ that comes to be — just a heads up that there are some damn smart women, with (access to) power, taking up this conversation, and it’ll be interesting to hear what they have to say.
